Dark Chalk Paint® Wax

Dark Chalk Paint® Wax

from $18.00

Apply dark Chalk Paint® Wax to age and give texture to your paintwork. Use it with clear Chalk Paint® Wax to seal and protect furniture and walls painted with Chalk Paint® decorative paint.

To achieve Annie's signature look, first apply a thin coat of clear Chalk Paint® Wax, removing any excess with a clean cloth. Next, apply the Dark Wax, pushing it into the paintwork to bring out brush marks and recesses. Wipe off any excess with Clear Wax, making sure every part of your piece has been waxed at least once.

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Tips and Techniques

Chalk Paint® Wax is not suitable for outdoor use. After care: wipe clean with a damp cloth. For tough marks, use a proprietary spray cleaner and rewax where necessary.

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